Art and Life with the P-S Family: A Durham, NC Family Session

Folks often ask what a session looks like with little-to-no posing or direction-- this is it! These dudes are BUSY, and they had plenty of good ideas about what to do all on their own. We did arts and crafts, created a truck installation, and snuggled with new baby sister. I left the session with my very own hand-crafted set of maracas, three little new friends, and these photos, which I think L, G, and M will really dig having forever. It was a good afternoon.

Loving Tiny M: A Washington, DC Baby Session

I had such a great chat with M's parents about the amazingness of watching a kid transition from being a newborn to being a real baby PERSON. Their joy in getting to know their daughter was so palpable during our session and I love how these pictures really reflect time spent between three people who delight in one another. The light was great for sure, but the way they look at each other is my favorite part of these photos.

Ready for Baby A: An Alexandria, VA Family Maternity Session

I was the doula when H was born, and I've had such a special relationship with her and her parents ever since. It amazes me how she has the same spirit now that she had when she was one hour old! Very soon, I'll be at the hospital when H becomes a big sister. It was really lovely to spend the evening with them as a family of three before everything changes! I feel so lucky to be a part of this family's growth.



Spring Shennanigans with the F Family: A Downtown Durham, NC Family Session

I really dig so much how to the siblings in the F family aren't afraid to lean into one another. We spent a relaxed hour puttering around Orange Street in downtown Durham, admiring some skateboarders, and feeling bummed that Scratch Bakery was closed for the day. This family's sense of play and ease comes through in every photo here, just as it does in person.

Backyard Extended Fam Playfest: A Durham Family Session

It's become a tradition to gather in the backyard with this very close extended family--Parents, Aunt, Grandmother, and the three little ones they adore-- and photograph them as they do their awesome thing. Since I saw them last time, they've added another little boy and big fluffy dog to the mix! It makes me so happy to imagine that the three kiddos will be able to look at these photos later on and see clearly how cherished they are.